Monday, April 25, 2011

What title could possibly suffice in this situation?

I have been trying for awhile now to come up with the appropriate sentiment to fully encapsulate my feelings on the image you see above, of an ACTUAL COVER OF AN ACTUAL BOOK THAT EXISTS. A sentiment that will appropriately convey just how innappropriately hilarious I find this, and how I so desperately want this as a coffee table book/conversation piece, so much so that I looked it up on Amazon and seriously debated spending the minimum $20 plus shipping & handling it would require to obtain it...and yet I don't want to come off as overly creepy, and have people question why they occasionally read this blog and/or why they are friends with me at all.


I just...cannot even imagine what the pages of this book could possibly contain. My initial thought is that you just open it up and it's completely blank, and as you flip through all the blank pages you come to one page in the middle that just has the word "rape." on it. On the other hand, I imagine chapter upon chapter featuring wine cooler proffering, bra-strap bearing, and uncomfortable underage boners.

And beaded curtains, too. Everything about that book cover tells me that there will somehow be a sweet beaded curtain present in any underage-boy wooing situation.

The 70s, man. Wild.

Anyway, now seems like a really innappropriate time to say Happy Easter, but...oh, you know what? Look at that, missed it by like 45 minutes. Dodged a bullet there. Now this post gets to be 100% creepy.

1 comment:

  1. What the hell? Where did you even find this? I find it less creepy that you are posting about this and more creepy that your internet surfing routines have led you to a book about seducing teenage boys.

    I still love you.
