Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oh My God

This is happening to me.  I am seeing Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band on April 13th.  I cannot wait.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Things to Worry About

per Lists of Note

In 1933, renowned author F. Scott Fitzgerald ended a letter to his 11-year-old daughter, Scottie, with a list of things to worry about, not worry about, and simply think about. It read as follows.

(Source: F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters; Image: F. Scott Fitzgerald with his daughter, Scottie, in 1924.)

Things to worry about:

Worry about courage
Worry about cleanliness
Worry about efficiency
Worry about horsemanship

Things not to worry about:

Don’t worry about popular opinion
Don’t worry about dolls
Don’t worry about the past
Don’t worry about the future
Don’t worry about growing up
Don’t worry about anybody getting ahead of you
Don’t worry about triumph
Don’t worry about failure unless it comes through your own fault
Don’t worry about mosquitoes
Don’t worry about flies
Don’t worry about insects in general
Don’t worry about parents
Don’t worry about boys
Don’t worry about disappointments
Don’t worry about pleasures
Don’t worry about satisfactions

Things to think about:

What am I really aiming at?
How good am I really in comparison to my contemporaries in regard to:

(a) Scholarship
(b) Do I really understand about people and am I able to get along with them?
(c) Am I trying to make my body a useful instrument or am I neglecting it?

With dearest love,


Friday, January 20, 2012

I Went To A Concert Last Night

Who wants to hear about it?  Everyone?  Okay!

So, my mom, Gretchen, and I went to see Kelly Clarkson with opener Matt Nathanson last night at Turning Stone.  It was a Christmas gift from me to Mom and Sis.  The seats were pretty good, about 20 feet from the stage, at approximately a 45 degree angle from the right corner of the stage.  I like to be exact (It's including details like this that make all my blog posts so freaking long.)

First up: Matt Nathanson.  I have lots of friends who are die-hard Matt Nathanson fans, but I have never really felt all that much about him either way.  But I heard that he has great mid-concert banter, and I loves me some banter.  And you know what?  It's all true.  Great banter.  Also great singing and songs and general awesomeness.  Loved it.  Everything about it.

And then it was Kelly Clarkson time.  And you know what's great?  When you seem someone in concert, and they are just as great as they sound on the radio, or on TV, etc.  Better, actually.  Because you can't deny that Kelly Clarkson has an awesome voice.  And she was just as great live.  Sang the shit out of all sorts of songs.  Also, her banter was ALSO great.  She makes you feel like she is your best friend, and you're just hanging out while she sings you some songs.  She's bubbly, and talks really fast and excitedly.  She also bounces up and down and spins around in circles while she's performing, which is exactly how I feel I would perform if I were any kind of performer.  I was also reminded of how much I love her for not giving a shit what people think.  The press tears her apart for various reasons, but she sticks to her guns and does what she wants.  Good for her.

Oh, yeah, and then there was the part where she came into the audience and sang RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.

Pictured: Kelly Clarkson and ME!  Also, my family.

I don't know why.  They set up a little platform right in front of us, and she came over and sang a Florence and the Machine song that I didn't know.  The downside?  She faced away from us THE ENTIRE TIME.  Never once did she turn around to the enthusiastic fans behind her (us.)  Don't be fooled by the fact that we are the only ones sitting down, security came over right beforehand and told us we couldn't stand up (apparently our reputation precedes us...)

Nothing is better than a good solid concert.  One that you leave, feeling pumped up, and then listen to the artists' music non-stop for the next week (as I have done.)  My mother and I both woke up with Kelly Clarkson songs in our heads.

I'm ready for my next concert!  Bring it on!  Anyone have any ideas?

Pictured: "Pssst...Mom, do you realize we're in the background of everyone's pictures?  Should we wave?"
P.S. It's helpful when you're Facebook friends with the person across the aisle from you, who actually had a front view of KC.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Five Movies I Will Not Apologize For Loving

5. White Christmas
Is it old?  Yes.  Is it cheesy?  It sure is.  But it is also WONDERFUL.  And so festive.  It is the movie that MAKES Christmas for me.  Every song is great.  It's a timeless, entertaining story.  It's funny, it's sweet, it's romantic, and most of all: heartwarming.  So what if Bing Crosby is a child-beater?  So what if Danny Kaye was gay before gay was a thing?  So what if Vera Ellen's eating disorder is painfully obvious?  Rosemary Clooney is the bomb.  You can take your It's a Wonderful Life and shove it - White Christmas is where it's at.

4. Cruel Intentions
Listen.  I know that Sebastian Valmont and Kathryn Merteuil are horrible, reprehensible people.  They are selfish rich brats that play games with people's lives.  One of them has a wicked drug problem, and there's a very good chance that both of them have a regular buffet of STDs.  And then there's Reese Witherspoon as the goody-goody, uptight, pristine, preachy, princess with the extremely high-waisted pants.  But everything and everyone about this movie is so bad it's good.  BUT, as a teenager, the main thing that got me through this movie was the real-life love story of Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe.  They are, let's face it, beautiful human beings.  And they were in an old-fashioned, swoony, love-letter-writing real life romance.  All girls are a sucker for a bad boy, especially if that bad boy is actually intelligent, rich, and a sexual heathen.  And especially when that bad boy LOOKS LIKE RYAN PHILLIPPE:

Look at that.  Look at it.

Also, Cruel Intentions has one of the best soundtracks ever.  Seriously.  Leah will back me up on this.  As well as pretty much everything else I've said about this movie.

3. The Prince and Me
The appeal of this movie is very simple.  Every girl, no matter how feminist, bad-ass, and independent, wants to be a princess.  Not necessarily to wear pink poofy dresses (but, yes.) but maybe to be the center of attention, to be praised, admired.  To be spoiled, pampered, whisked away to lavish balls on private jets.    And I think I am not alone in wanting to be swept away by a prince as hot as Eddie.  Because he's adorable.  (Even though he didn't age well for the Julia Styles-less sequel).  But what's even better is that Julia's character, Paige, is not just lying around on the couch waiting for the nearest royal to propose.  She's got a life plan, she is going to med school (I think), and she wants to travel the world.  She just so happens to meet and fall in love with the prince of Denmark along the way.

2. Scream
Shitty horror movies are my favorite genre of film.  Any film that features a vicious serial killer in a silly mask, with a knife that makes a "schwing!" noise is bound to be awesome.  Scream was the first cheesy horror movie I saw, back in 6th grade.  It wasn't until a few years later that I realized just how smart and clever it is.  It's a shitty horror movie MAKING FUN OF SHITTY HORROR MOVIES!  Brilliant.  It's like what the Scary Movies series tried to do, but without beating you over the head with immature dick jokes.  It's starts off strong with America's sweetheart Drew Barrymore being psychologically tortured, and then actually tortured.  Then Matthew Lillard, Jamie Kennedy, Skeet Ulrich, Tara Reid, and David Arquette happen.  They all happen, and so wonderfully.

1. Armageddon
Armageddon is my favorite movie.  Of all time.  Ever.  The best movie ever.  There is not enough time in the world or space on the internet for me to name all the awesome things about it.  First of all, and I have to get this out of the way right off the bat: no one is more handsome than Ben Affleck in this movie.  No one.  Not one single human being has been better looking than Ben Affleck as AJ Frost.  He makes an ORANGE SPACE SUIT look good. Ben aside, there's Bruce Willis, which I think goes without saying.  There's also an ensemble cast made up of That Guy Who's Great In That Other Movie x 10.  It's funny, and one of the most quotable movies around [Ed. note: and OH MY GOD IT'S ON TV RIGHT NOW.]  Funny aside, there is also a heartwrenching amount of sorrow and drama.  but that's more towards the end.  What people seem to not be able to appreciate, about this movie, or so many other things that I love is this:  Did it win any Oscars?  No.  Do I think it should?  No.  Is it wildly entertaining? YES.  What is wrong with something being innocently entertaining?  Whatever happened to suspending your disbelief?  I consider myself to be one of the most critical people around, but sometimes I feel like I am the only one who can appreciate a movie, TV show, book, or music for out bad it is.  Lighten up and soak it in everyone:

I scoured the Internetz for the poster that hung on my wall for 12 years.  This will have to do.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

5 Worst Songs in 2011

Since I shared what I thought were the best, it's only fair I mention the worst.  But only 5 this time, because I like to pretend that I focus on the positive more than the negative (false.)  And, of course, some of these are from 2010, because I have no concept of time.  But I hated them all in 2011.  HATED THEM.

5. I Love You This Big - Scotty McCreery
      Are you kidding me?  Sounds like something I could have sung at my nursery school graduation.  No, I'm sorry, that's an insult to the Peanut, Peanut Buuutter JELLY! song.  Also, American Idol is getting sooooo weak, it's making me sad.  And you know that is harder for me to say than anyone.  I will of course go down with that sinking ship.

4. Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO
      This song is Chapter 12 in How 3 Weddings In One Month Ruined My Life.  Because not only did I always hate this song, from the first time I heard it, and I hate those fucking dancing chipmunks, but this song was played, I'm pretty sure, at ALL THREE WEDDINGS.  And, without fail, everyone goes shitballs crazy for it.  Now, in a dancing situation, I am pretty tolerant of just about any song.  But by October 22nd, I was sitting this one out.  Because Jesus.  Seriously?  Ugh.  Most inescapable song of 2011.

3. On The Floor - JLo
       This was one of those songs that I went without hearing for sosososososo long after it came out, because I'm not hip anymore. (I blame TRL.  Come back.  Please.  You brought back Pop Up Video, now I just need TRL, Singled Out, and Legends of the Hidden Temple and my life will be complete.)  Anyway, I loves me some JLo.  But how long are we going to support her music career?  Because, guys, if we keep playing her songs, it's just going to convince her that she's a good singer.  And the more she keeps up this music thing, and puts off her acting career, the longer I have to wait for a Selena sequel.  Because that is the greatest thing JLo has ever done, (aside from Ben Affleck, AM I RIGHT LADIES), and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.  Anyway, this song is awful.  That's pretty much all there is to say about it.

2. The Time (Dirty Bit) - Black Eyed Peas
      How appropriate is it that as I begin to write about this, Time of My Life should come on my shuffle.  Because this is 90% of what kills this song for me.  Time of My Life is one of the best songs, ever.  It makes everyone happy.  You'd think that sampling an 80's classic would automatically make a song awesome.  Nope.  Not when you are The Black Eyed Peas, and have made it your personal crusade to ruin everything Colleen loves.  Because all this song does is remind me of what a great song TOYL is, and what a terrible song this one is.  And, dirty bit?!  What the fuck is that?  Shut the fuck up,, seriously.  And in Chapter 37 of How 3 Weddings In One Month Ruined My Life, this song was played at all three (Again, I think.  It's all a blur) and I SAT DOWN.  And by sat down, I mean found the nearest alcoholic beverage.  Possibly sat down while ingesting said beverage.

1. Sexy and I Know It - LMFAO
      Are you fucking kidding me?  This song makes me so angry just thinking about it.  Why is this even a song?  It is so ridiculous.  And it's not like I can't accept the theme.  Right Said Fred never done me wrong with I'm Too Sexy.  Can't get enough of that little ditty.  But this song is so asinine that it makes me want to slap a baby in the face.  And not a mean crying baby.  A sweet, rosy-cheeked little angel.  One of the sleeping babies in the holiday Pampers "Sleep in heavenly peace" commercial.  Right across the face. [Ed. note: I elaborated further on the baby slap, but then realized it made me seem like I have mental problems.  I really don't want to slap a baby, but this song sucks so hard I'm afraid it's going to drive me to it.]  It pained me to assign 2/5 of this list to one "artist", but these songs went so far in actively trying to ruin my life, that I had to give it to LMFAO.  And, the name, really?  Are you a 12 year old girl?  I AM NOT LAUGHING MY FUCKING ASS OFF AT ALL.

Honorable Mention:

Worst Glee Everything: Gwyneth Paltrow - Everything she sang, excepting Turning Tables
      Would You.  Please Stop.  Ruining My Life.  With Everything You Do.  Goop.

Best Attempt at Marketing Ruining My Life: JLo - Fiat commercial.
      JLo.  I'm not going to buy a Fiat.  And if I ever was, you have surely killed that notion, by assaulting me with your constant commercial presence.  No, I don't want to dance for my papi, thanks very much.  And really?  When's the last time you really visited your ol' hometown?  When is the last time you actually DROVE A CAR?!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

10 Best Songs of 2011*

*As it turns out, some of these came out in 2010 [Ed. note: And...uh...maybe before that...].  But I enjoyed them primarily in 2011, so they're staying on the list.

10. Firework - Katy Perry
      This song is on here, not only because I just really liked it in the beginning, I liked the message and the video, and I just plain like fireworks in general, but most importantly: it was 2011's Teddi Line Dance.  Which was a great one, in that I was capable of learning it and remembering it for a really long time!

9. Don't You Wanna Stay - Jason Aldean f. Kelly Clarkson
      This song caught me by surprise at whatever award show they performed this at.  Jason Aldean started singing, and I immediately stopped paying attention, because he's not one of my favorites, and I could not even tell you another song that he sings.  But then my girl Kelly started singing, and I did not know how much I had missed her until I heard her voice again.  But even more than that, I love a good wistful country power-ballad!

8. Edge of Glory - Lady Gaga
      There are two reasons this song made the list.  1) That Google Chrome commercial.  Compelling stuff, people.  Every time I hear this song I picture Gaga prancing across the Brooklyn Bridge.  Really gets me going.  2) Clarence Clemons, aka The Big Man, aka Saxophonist and original member of the E Street Band, aka, the sax solo in this song.  I am a sucker for a good sax solo, because I am a huge sax nerd, but The Big Man is just hands down THE BEST.  Best there ever will be.  RIP.

7. Moneygrabber - Fitz and the Tantrums
      I realize there is a pretty decent chance you have never heard this song before.  But it is so goddamn sassy, and catchy, and retro, and this is hands down the best band name in the history or band names.  I will fight anyone who says otherwise.  Seriously, can everyone just channel musical styles of olde?  It just works out so nicely.  New stuff sucks.

6. Turn to Stone - Ingrid Michaelson
      So, turns out this song was actually released in 2009, so I'm really adhering to this whole "2011" thing pretty loosely.  But I first heard of this song in 2011, and it's too good to not include on a list, and I didn't have a blog in '09, so y'all can suck it. Anyway, the lyrics are beautiful, and somewhat pertinant to my 2011, and HOLY SHITBALLS it was part of one of the greatest SYTYCD dances ever.  Plus, I had to include some emo chick crying music on here.  Because emo chick crying music is my default genre.

5. Not Over You - Gavin DeGraw
      This song started as a slow burn.  I has GdG's first album, and loved it, so he's one of those artists that I'm always happy to hear has a new song out.  I heard this, thought it was decent, but didn't think much beyond that.  Cut to the song burrowing its way into my brain with its wonderful catchiness.  Plus, I saw him in concert for the first time in 2011, which was exciting.  AND, he got attacked and subsequently hit by a car, all in one night in NYC.  So he deserves some jolly associations with 2011.

4. Paris (Oh la la) - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
     Now, see, this song was 2011's top choice for Colleen's 2011 Rock Star Daydreams.  Grace Potter is pretty much the bomb diggity, on top of looking like Heidi Klum, so I would love to walk a day in her sequined minidress.  The way she snarls through this song, which is possibly sort of a stereotype of French people, is just so great.  I just want to be a rock star.  I don't think that's too much to ask.

3. Love the Way You Lie - Eminem f. Rihanna
      I am just as surprised as anyone else to see Eminem here on my list.  Not the biggest Eminem fan, (at least not since Stan, which I was obsessed with, because I'm a little bit twisted.)  But does it even matter?  I mean, is Eminem even in this song?  For me, it is allllllll about Rihanna.  This song has the best hook of 2011, unquestionably.  (Hook, is that the right word, hook?  I'm trying to be cool, but I don't actually know anything about anything.  Chorus.  It has a great chorus.) Although Eminem does contribute: "now you get to watch her leave out the window, guess that's why they call it window pane", for whatever that's worth. This song also gets the award for favorite video of 2011, because oh my dear sweet baby jesus.  Dominic Monaghan, who played my love Charlie on Lost, but also Merry in LOTR, and someone on Flashforward, is in it, playing Eminem's character, basically.  Opposite Megan Fox, who doesn't really do much for me, but good for you, hobbit.  Super hot and angsty video.  And those are two of my favorite qualities in a music video.

2. Rumour Has It - Adele
      This song, while a bitchin song in it's own right, also represents all other Adele songs from this year, mainly Rolling In The Deep and Someone Like You, but I am currently on the outs with those songs due to oversaturation, so I am giving the main mention to Rumour Has It, which was really an album standout for me from the very beginning, and as of recently, was part of a GREAT and emotional mashup on Glee.  THAT BEAT!  SO GOOD! 

1. Colder Weather - Zac Brown Band
      I am begging you, if you have not heard this song, please listen to it.  You can disregard everything else on this list, but this song is too beautiful and perfect to ignore.  I first heard this song in a live performance with Amos Lee on CMT.  Amos Lee is also awesome, which made it even greater.  The song is just...wistful, bittersweet, and it makes me heart feel things for unknown reasons.  Video in the link above is the official video, video below is the version with Amos Lee.

Honorable Mention

Best Guilty Pleasure Song: Skyscraper - Demi Lovato
       A melodramatic song with silly lyrics, wailed by a Disney starlet fallen from grace, AND possibly about a Jonas Brother?  It's like this song was made for me.

Best "Welcome Back": Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie
     I want to live in the world evoked by RHCP music.  I guess that world would be California.  Really though, this song sounds just like their old stuff, which is a good thing.  Welcome back, old friends.  Keep up the good work.

Best Glee Songs: A TIE!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Finn
      Finn normally sucks so much on Glee, but he really knocked it out of the park with this one.  Song choice is key, first of all, because this low register suits him so much better than big belty showtunes.  He pretty much has the weakest male voice on the show, I don't know why they fancy him a belter, but whatever.  FURTHERMORE, Cyndi Lauper is my hero, this is one of her most amazing songs, and the fact that they transformed it into an darker arrangement that sounds like a mix of early-90s Seattle rock and something that belongs on the Garden State Soundtrack....amazing.  Well done.
I Feel Pretty / Unpretty - Quinn and Rachel
      I Feel Pretty / Unpretty is possibly my favorite mashup they've ever done.  Just so perfect, especially fitting for the theme of the episode.  I pretty much loved everything TLC did back in middle school, much like every girl my age did.  But I remember loving this song especially, for its message.  Cause, you know, I was sort of unpretty in middle school.  It was a tough time for all of us.  So, I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but just hearing the intro of this song makes my heart break a little bit, thinking of all the little girls across the country, staring in the mirror and picking apart their imperfections.  I'm notoriously not the biggest fan of West Side Story, I Feel Pretty included, but it's a fine song, and I'm a sucker for a good mash-up (even before Glee coined the title), and these two are so prefectly matched.  It's also an awesome showcase for Dianna Agron's voice, which, while not the strongest on the show, is just so...sweet, and perfect for this.

Honorable Mention for this Honorable Mention: Songbird - Santana
       Because this song basically just makes me shit tears anyway, and Naya Rivera has one of my favorite voices I have ever heard, and even though I am not Team Brittana (I imagine that's their title), Naya Rivera is really knocking it out of the park with her emotions.  Also, holy shit, I can't believe they did Songbird.  Ugh.  My heart.

Here's to 2012 being even more wonderful!