Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Friends are the best

...for bringing you out of a slump.

me: see, this is why it's good to plan ahead: i've been working on your eulogy since we were 13!
Leah: yeah yeah yeah
you're the writer
me: i'm the morbid weirdo
Leah: I am just going to go up there and play a clip from bagger vance and inappropriately laugh/cry while Erin's mother holds me
me: oh.
Leah: hog?
me: *god
Leah: hahahahahaha
me: i am laughing so hard
Leah: I just snorted
me: that was almost as good as haitians
Leah: hahahaha
me: ANYWAY, your bagger vance reference just blew my mind
Leah: I am so glad it did
I felt that glimmer of cleverness
me: i'm proud of you
Leah: but then promptly forgot the name of the movie
and had to google 'will smith golf movie'
me: hahahahaha
thank god for google
Leah: tru that.

This makes sense to no one else. It doesn't matter. Nothing we ever say or do has EVER made any sense.

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