Monday, May 23, 2011

Monday Monday Can't Help That Day

Why is it that I feel like I have 5,000 things to do, yet here I am, laying on my bed, psyching myself up to get something done, when in fact, there's not much I can actually do. So many things are contingent on this this and this happening first, so here I sit, with (sort of) nothing to do, just listening to Pandora and blogging. I am so Gen X. Or are we Gen Y? I've never been really sure.

Well gee, it's really raining outside. I wish I were sitting somewhere where I could appreciate this rain more, but I've already holed up in my room in an effort to passive aggressively take a stand against my dad re: doing dishes. And if you've ever lived with me for any amount of time, you know how much I love passive aggressive activity. Anyway, I won.

So, I work part-time. 12-5. It sounds nice, but I would much prefer it if I could just go in at 8:30, and leave at, like, 2. Because then I would have the whole rest of the day ahead of me. Working till 5, even if you only started at 12, is pretty much like working a full day. That's a big chunk out of the middle of your day that renders you unable to do anything else. You would be amazed at how, somehow, no matter how early you may have a doctors appointment in the morning, before work, you will still somehow end up rushing to get back in time. Madness. That said, I would still rather working part time than full time. Especially customer service. Thankfully, people I work with are always jumping at the chance to work overtime, so, good for them. I will not work overtime unless I absolutely have to.

In other news, BethAmuso, I know you read this. And so, I would like to request that you hold a BethAmuso's Guide to Wearing Makeup Well class. Because you wear makeup well, and I do not know how to wear makeup and not have it look a. like I'm not wearing makeup b. like a painted hussy. There is no middle area. I need you to show me that middle area, BethAmuso. I will pay you $3.00.

Finally, I am considering moving this blog YET AGAIN, this time to Wordpress. I've been having some technical difficulties with Blogspot, but I feel like it's silly to move my no-big-deal blog for a 2nd time. So, I dunno, we'll see. I'm still looking into it.


  1. MAKEUP?!!? I LOVE MAKEUP!!! I'll do it fo free!!!!

  2. I would love to attend bethamuso's makeup class!!!

    Aaaaaand I support your decision to move your blog, bc I only read it on my phone, and my phone does not work well with leaving comments on this site, but it works great with wordpress which means more comments from me. For example, right now I can't even see what I am typing.
