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2. I need a haircut. Desperately. The question is: what should I do with my hair? I've been recently thinking about maybe cutting it short, but I'm not going to do anything drastic before the wedding. I keep growing it long, or do I cut it to some sort of middle length? The problem I'm having now is that my hair is very drab. It has no life to it, straight or curly, and I'm wondering if that's a length problem. And my bangs suck. They're almost nonexistant, off to the side, blending in with the rest of my hair. I don't know how to make them...not do this. I could go for a full bang, but that seems like...a lot. Especially since I have curly hair. I straighten my bangs everyday anyway, but....I don't know. I know you all care a while lot about my hair.
3. Chris Meloni is leaving SVU. Sad times. End of an era. I don't see that show going on without he and Mariska. But I WOULD watch a Finn & Munch spinoff. Hells yes.
4. Remember back when I was talking about The Hunger Games, that books series that I'm really excited about that's being made into a movie? Remember how there was a character that could be played by no one other than Mr. Jay from America's Next Top Model? Well, they've cast that role. And not with Mr. Jay, natch. But who DID they cast? Lenny fucking Kravitz. Riiiight? I am excited. I'm not sure if that's just because I fucking LOVE Lenny forever and ever, but I can also totally see him as Cinna. He's got a very soft, soothing, speaking voice, which I think will be perfect to play the voice of reason, calm in the storm, Cinna. Also he'll look fucking baller in whatever crazy ass outfits they put him in.
5. There was SO MUCH TV on tonight! Biggest Loser Finale, American Idol final two performance, Glee Finale, Dancing with the Stars Finale, and the Voice. My DVR just shit its pants in confusion. Yes, my DVR wear pants. Anyway, for most of the night, I watched The Biggest Loser, all by myself, and cheered and applauded and spoke to the contestants like I was there. Then watched the Voice, which is a lovely hour of Adam Levine every week. Watched the last 10 minutes of Dancing with the Stars for my mom. Now catching up on Idol, which is not surprisingly awful. My vote is for Scotty, because he just seems to have fun up there, and I am so sick of being disappointed with everything adorable Lauren Alaina wears or sings. They're doing original songs again this year, which fucking suck as always ("stupid-ass songs", to quote Maureen Weiler). Scotty's was called something retarded like "I Love You This Much". Why can't everyone just sing A Moment Like This? I think that would be more than appropriate. What's even more swell is that my DVR has just given up, and is refusing to fast forward. And I still have to watch Glee. Swell. Oh hey, Lauren's song is called "Like My Mother Does". A real tear-jerker, as you can imagine. And her creepy mother/clone in the audience has her hand in the air praising Jesus. And now Lauren and her mother are slow dancing. And now she's singing right in her mother's face. I hate everything about this. Jesus Fucking Christ, if this girl wins for singing a fucking song about her fucking mother, I will punch Ryan Seacrest in the face, cut him into tiny pieces, and feed them to Brian Dunkleman.
David Cook, take me away from this awful place. Let's fist-pump with Judd Nelson.