Thursday, June 7, 2012

On The Eve Of My 26th Birthday

Here I am, less than an hour from turning 26 years old.  26 is a baffling age to me.  That means I am unquestionably an adult.  I am certainly not where I ever imagined I'd be by the age of 26.  I'm tempted to return to that place of panic and depression, but birthdays (and birthday-eves) are not the time for that.

So, instead, here are 26 things I'm thankful for, as I turn 26:

1. Short hair.  God, getting my hair cut short was the best decision I've made in years.  I wish I hadn't waited so long.  I feel freeeeee!

2. My legs.  They have carried me so much farther than I ever would have thought in this newfound running endeavor.  I mean, not that far, but they did not collapse under me immediately, which is better than I expected.  They are strong, long, and they don't look to bad in shorts and skirts, if I do say so myself.

3. Chicago.  I have never been there.  I would love to go someday.  But I admire the city for contributing so many great things to pop culture and my general enjoyment, and so many attractive men to the world.

4. Yoga Pants.  I could wear them every day.

5. Netflix.  Making me more hip and in-the-know.  Helping me fool people into falling for my pop-culture omniscience.

6.  England.  Remember that speech Hugh Grant makes in Love Actually, about all the reasons England is great?  Well, ditto.  I would also like to add to that list Love Actually itself, Will and Kate, Prince Hot Ginge, The 2012 Olympics, Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock, Jubilees, Royal Weddings, British accents, and Harry Potter, again.

7. Music, new and old.  I don't even buy music anymore.  I am super out-of-touch with what's on the radio, for the most part, and half of what I have heard I don't like.  But some old favorites, namely John Mayer and Regina Spektor, have come back into my life recently, in a big way.  I haven't lost faith in everything entirely.

8. Talented People.  Thank you, talented actors, musicians, writers, dancers, etc.  Thank you for being so passionate about what you do, and for inspiring me.  You tickle the muse in the back of my brain, and make me want to do and create beautiful things.  Thanks for keeping me going.

9. Cinnamon Buns.  For being so warm, gooey, and delicious.

10. Water.  For keeping me hydrated, making me feel healthier, and making me look better.  Also, for swimming, watering my plants, and keeping me cool.

11. Nature.  For being so pretty.

12. My Parents.  For being cooler than their ages would let you believe.  For tolerating me.  For amusing me, and for being amused by me.  For loving me, and supporting me, and thinking the best of me.  For dreaming my dreams for me, and believing I can achieve them.

13. Good Scary Things.  Stephen King, American Horror Story, etc.  Thanks for maintaining just the right level of creepiness for my taste.

14. Literature.  For continuing to surprise me.

15.  Wine.  For being the happiest drink to drink. See Also: Champagne.

16. Love.  For continuing to exist, and making me want to find you.  For dangling in front of me like a carrot that's really really far away from the donkey.

17. Priorities.  For sorting yourselves out, sometimes.  For making me realize that some things can wait, much as I may not want them to.

18. The Internet.  For keeping me busy, connected, and inspired.  I hate and love that I do not know how I ever lived without you.

19. June.  For being such a fun, busy, and pretty month.  And my month, for the first eight days, anyway.

20. France.  For continuing to be the dream, the ideal.

21. Luck.  For keeping me from dying in a horrifically tragic car accident.  So far.

22. My sister.  We are so wonderfully different, and delightfully alike.  For making me so happy just for you to come over and do laundry on the weekend.  For being my sounding board, my reality check.  For proving yourself time and time again over the alternative.  For demonstrating what family really is.

23. Daydreams.  For staying unrealistic, and keeping me out of the doldrums with the unlikely but sure insistence that I was meant for greater things.

24. The 27.3 lbs I've lost since January.  I so wanted to make it to thirty by my birthday.  But you know what?  27.3 is nothing to sneeze at.  I did this myself, for the first time.  I took control of my life, and stopped looking for an easy way out.  I worked hard, I AM working hard, and my routine has changed enough that I'm confident I will continue to work hard.  I've proven I can do anything if I put my mind to it.  It's all about deciding it's time.

25. My 25th year, for being a test.  My hardest, saddest, most frustrating year yet.  But this year is behind me now.  It will be a story I will tell, an experience I will learn from.  I will be better, I am getting better every day.  I WILL make it an uphill journey from here.

26. My friends.  For being my friends.  My readers, my supporters, my entertainers, my listeners, my distraction, my reality check, my reassurance.  I try and fail to express how much you mean to me, particularly how much you've all meant to me over the past year.  I have been so focused on myself this year, I have not been a very good friend.  I'm taking steps to change that.  I can't wait to see how our bonds and relationships continue to grow and change over the years.  I love you all.

Happy Birthday to me!

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