Ooooooo...blogspot has a fancy new interface! I hope this means the commenting function is no so ass-crazy. Yeah, ass-crazy. I said it.
Aaaaaaanywho, remember me? I haven't blogged in ages! I have been busy/stressed/bipolar/menstruating. It takes a lot out of a girl.
Things that have happened (in no apparent order):
Bachelorette party for my Leah and her Lauren! After much difficulty organizing and scheduling, a surprising amount of difficulty finding boobie-shaped things, hours spent preparing the perfect boobie foods with the most accurate and delicious areolas with my mother, and at the last minute, nearly derailed by massive flooding between point a and point b, it all came off just wonderfully. It was so good to see everyone, and to have a nice, relaxing weekend between a busy last few months, and a busy next several months. Sheesh! P.S. Leah, I demand to see your pictures! I know you have absolutely nothing else to do with your time, but I know you take so many pictures and they are so pretty and I want to seeeee theeeeem! Get a flickr! And you can post them without editing, I won;'t care! And you know this is all about what I want. Especially since I am a huge narcissist, and I know some of those pictures were of me, and I need a new profile pic! :)
The Great New York State Fair! I ate. So much food. Beef sundaes are the most delicious thing ever, and I don't care how inappropriate it sounds, it's a party in my mouth. I ate three of them. Among other things. MANY other things. So many other things. Also, I saw Maroon 5, Train, and Gavin DeGraw. I've been a fan of GdG since his first album, and he did not disappoint. I was especially excited to see him after his recent attack. Glad he's ok. Also my first time seeing Train. Train many songs that I know, that everyone knows. And for the most part, they are just ok. I do like their newer songs, though: Hey Soul Sister, If It's Love, Marry Me, Save Me San Francisco. Perhaps enough to get the whole album. Perhaps not. But they put on a good show. This was my...6th or 7th time seeing Maroon 5. I'm starting to lose track. Anyway, I love them forever, I loved Adam Levine before it was cool to love Adam Levine, and all their albums are great. I actually hadn't heard their newest one, but after hearing them perform some of the new songs (and listening to the album while road trippin with Jhole!) I'm going to have to get it, and I regret waiting this long. Eh, it's so hard to stay on top of things. My only complaint about their performance was that there was so little banter! His banter is what made me fall in love with Adam Levine! Well, that, and the sweating. He was still just as sweaty, but they were just going from one song to the next. I'm hoping it was just an off night, and they Adam hasn't gotten a big head since he's become more of a celebrity in his own right on The Voice. That would make me sad. Looks like I'll need to see them a 7th or 8th time to decide.
God dammit, this is turning into a much longer post than I had originally intended. i was going to post my Fall TV recommendations (as requested by Leah, though I'm sure the rest of you are waiting with bated breath for it), but that's going to have to end up being another post entirely.
Anyway, I have a lot coming up. A date with Scotty tomorrow, Alumni Weekend next weekend, North Carolina for 5 days for a 10/01 wedding, a party at Kelly's the next weekend, then MY LEAH'S wedding 10/16, and my cousin's wedding in Roc on 10/22. Phwew. Then Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and black ice. Oof.
I am so excited for all of that, except for the black ice.
I remember you! And I really do want to make an annual event called 'Boobies & Booze' held in the poconos. Lets make it happen.
ReplyDeleteAnd I apologize- I will not post photos without edits. What I WILL do is start editing now... and possibly get a flickr account. You'll be the first to know.
Finally!!! I have been going through Colleen withdrawl. Seriously, your blog is on my to do list at work during my lunch! I need your posts to complete my life. Erin and I missed you guys soooooo much last weekend. - Raf
ReplyDeleteUber jealous you saw Train/Maroon5/GdG. They were here (Nashville) last month. We regretted not going. GdG is opening (with his brother) a new bar here. Opens this's apparently their 2nd one. I believe the other is in NYC. We'll check it out, and hope he surprise performs when we're there.
ReplyDeleteMoves like Jagger. Love the new stuff!!