I had SUCH grand plans to have a productive weekend. Particularly during the last few hours in which I was home alone with nothing to do except watch the Superbowl that I could not possibly care less about. But all I did was drink 6 cans of Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash and attempt to eat a giant plate of nachos. Which, by the way, I failed miserably. I'm just not up to eating absolute shit the way I could in college. Sad. I really wanted those nachos too. I wanted them bad. I even took an hour long break and then attempted to finish them when they were cold. Couldn't do it.
By the way, I am saving this post so I can read it as a tearful voiceover for my introductory segment on the Biggest Loser, while I sit in front of what looks like a gym locker full of carbs.
Anyway, yayyyyy Glee is back! I try to pretend I'm so above liking mainstream things like Glee, because I hate that now it's omgeveryonesfavorite thing, but I just can't help but like it. Because I am its target audience. And god damn if Kurt and Blaine and Brittany and Santana and Sue and pretty much everyone but Finn and Mr. Shue and sometimes Rachel make me want to scream with joy.
Anyway, I have reached a point of frustrated helplessness with my job. I've realized that it is what it is, nothing is going to change, and the clock is ticking on my tolerance for customer service. What's frustrating is I am SO GOOD at it. I really am. It's kind of embarrassing. But the thing is, my parents have the audacity to think that because I am good at it, I should consider doing this for a career. Not Mystic Stamp in particular, but customer service. Which, let me tell you, I would rather work as a cook at Canal View for the rest of my life, over working customer service. I realize the suggestion was not altogether audacious, but they do not seem to understand how miserable it makes me. It's like a slow build to genuine insanity and hopelessness. And I do not like it.
There is a job opening for a copywriter, which is intriguing to me. However, I'm technically not allowed to transfer to another dept until I have been there for 6 months, which is April-ish. But this job has been posted for several months now, and I figure it can't hurt to at least put my name in. I think maybe my recent consideration of this prospect has added to my loathing and disinterest in my current position.
Anyway, who cares.
In other news, Meggo! Broken ribs! So awful! Please get better immediately.
Hello my love. I just applied for a job as a copywriter. I am having no luck whatsoever with finding a teaching job or even a sub job so I have resorted to seeking a fulltime job for like the next year until I can actually see light at the end of the education system tunnel. I wanted just a regular reception job but they had this position available and I did the testing at 3am last night so we'll see. I don't know if I like the idea of doing sentence structure and grammar all day (yes I realize I am an English teacher by trade but still!)