This is me, updating. I know I haven't in AGES. Sorry (Meghan).
I have just been soooo busy (read: not nearly as busy as anyone that reads this), and super sleepy ever since this weekend.
This weekend was the Teddi Dance for Love. I spent 24 hours with Chris and Amanda, and some others. It was one of those times, after I've spent some amount of quality time with any group of my friends, where I am just ridiculously grateful for the friends that I have. You guys are all wonderful, every last one of you, and I don't know what the hell I ever did to deserve you.
So here I am in my room, in the dark, watching Archer, which is the funniest fucking show that NOBODY watches! Seriously, it's great. So much laughter. Please somebody watch it. One episode, at least. For me.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
I love love.
I am. I don't know why. I have no reason to be a hopeless romantic. Life certainly has not given me any reason to feel such a way. At all. But I just think love sounds awesome. And someday I will be so grossly in love it will make everyone's eyeballs bleed. So there.
Aaaaaanywho, what brings this on, you may ask? Well, I stumbled upon something today that I found so romantic and adorable and wonderful and precious that it literally made my entire day.
Warning: this story may entail a marginal familiarity with musicians Taylor Swift and Adam Young (aka Owl City, aka The Guy That Sings That Fireflies Song). I will try to provide enough background information to make the story complete.
So, some months ago, Taylor Swift released her newest album, Speak Now, which is, by the way, HELLA listenable. Well, the big story when her album came out was that she was "telling all", and that several songs were about her ex-flings (Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, and John Mayer...eww). But there is also a SUPER ADORABLE song called Enchanted that was rumored to be about Adam Young of Owl City. It wasn't really so much rumored, so much as it just was. Additionally, Taylor is I guess notorious for leaving cryptic hints or messages in the lyrics in her album notes. The hidden message in Enchanted's lyrics? A-D-A-M.
Anyway, Taylor's song:
Cut to today: Valentine's Day. I follow Adam Young on Twitter, and today he tweeted "Dear Taylor", and then a link to his blog. This, understandably, piqued my interest, and OMG I COULD NOT CLICK ON THE LINK FAST ENOUGH! I can't tell the story any better (read: cuter) than Adam can, so I'll let him tell it: Be sure to click on the link to his song!
Now, I am aware that probably no one is as interested in this as I am, so let me just summarize the cuteness:
Taylor's version: I was enchanted to meet you / Please don't be in love with someone else / Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Adam's version: I was enchanted to meet you too / I was never in love with someone else / I never had somebody waiting on me / Cause you were all of my dreams come true, and I just wish you knew / Taylor, I was so in love with you
I don't even care that a less than three makes me about as mature as a 13 year old. I love this so much, a less than three was necessary.

Oh, kids these days. Love 'em.
Aaaaaanywho, what brings this on, you may ask? Well, I stumbled upon something today that I found so romantic and adorable and wonderful and precious that it literally made my entire day.
Warning: this story may entail a marginal familiarity with musicians Taylor Swift and Adam Young (aka Owl City, aka The Guy That Sings That Fireflies Song). I will try to provide enough background information to make the story complete.
So, some months ago, Taylor Swift released her newest album, Speak Now, which is, by the way, HELLA listenable. Well, the big story when her album came out was that she was "telling all", and that several songs were about her ex-flings (Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, and John Mayer...eww). But there is also a SUPER ADORABLE song called Enchanted that was rumored to be about Adam Young of Owl City. It wasn't really so much rumored, so much as it just was. Additionally, Taylor is I guess notorious for leaving cryptic hints or messages in the lyrics in her album notes. The hidden message in Enchanted's lyrics? A-D-A-M.
Anyway, Taylor's song:
Cut to today: Valentine's Day. I follow Adam Young on Twitter, and today he tweeted "Dear Taylor", and then a link to his blog. This, understandably, piqued my interest, and OMG I COULD NOT CLICK ON THE LINK FAST ENOUGH! I can't tell the story any better (read: cuter) than Adam can, so I'll let him tell it: Be sure to click on the link to his song!
Now, I am aware that probably no one is as interested in this as I am, so let me just summarize the cuteness:
Taylor's version: I was enchanted to meet you / Please don't be in love with someone else / Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Adam's version: I was enchanted to meet you too / I was never in love with someone else / I never had somebody waiting on me / Cause you were all of my dreams come true, and I just wish you knew / Taylor, I was so in love with you
I don't even care that a less than three makes me about as mature as a 13 year old. I love this so much, a less than three was necessary.

Oh, kids these days. Love 'em.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday Night
I do not feel well right now.
I am watching the Grammys. I love award shows.
Bob Dylan sounds awful.
I have an interview tomorrow. Here's hopin' it goes well, and leads to good things.
Sorry for the minimal blogging lately. I have been:
a) busy
b) reading voraciously
c) taking advantage of my netflix
d) not feeling very inspired
I'm thinking of reviewing some of the books I've read and movies I've watched, because I know my opinion is very important to everyone. Or maybe just myself.
I love you all! Hope for more exciting updates soon!
I am watching the Grammys. I love award shows.
Bob Dylan sounds awful.
I have an interview tomorrow. Here's hopin' it goes well, and leads to good things.
Sorry for the minimal blogging lately. I have been:
a) busy
b) reading voraciously
c) taking advantage of my netflix
d) not feeling very inspired
I'm thinking of reviewing some of the books I've read and movies I've watched, because I know my opinion is very important to everyone. Or maybe just myself.
I love you all! Hope for more exciting updates soon!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Wanna know what I thought of the Superbowl?
I sort of live-tweeted it. If you want my commentary in chronological order, start from the bottom up.
Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
OMG the Warblers are doing Bills Bills Bills! Am I dreaming? #Glee




SethMacFarlane Seth MacFarlane
by Colleenhaha
This Super Bowl halftime event looks like the talent show from Revenge of the Nerds.

Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Usher? Really? Could this halftime show be full of MORE things I fucking hate?


Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Bruce and the E Street Band, The Who, The Black Eyed Peas...which of these does not belong? I hope Fergie pees her pants again.

Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Why is Harrison Ford in the Cowboys and Aliens movie? Has your career really come to that, Han Solo?

Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler

Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Lea Michele just made it reek of Broadway up in hurr. But she rocked it! #SuperBowlObservations

Colleenhaha Colleen Weiler
Wow, Troy Aikman looks just like Harry Connick Jr! #SuperBowlObservations
So much for a productive weekend
I had SUCH grand plans to have a productive weekend. Particularly during the last few hours in which I was home alone with nothing to do except watch the Superbowl that I could not possibly care less about. But all I did was drink 6 cans of Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash and attempt to eat a giant plate of nachos. Which, by the way, I failed miserably. I'm just not up to eating absolute shit the way I could in college. Sad. I really wanted those nachos too. I wanted them bad. I even took an hour long break and then attempted to finish them when they were cold. Couldn't do it.
By the way, I am saving this post so I can read it as a tearful voiceover for my introductory segment on the Biggest Loser, while I sit in front of what looks like a gym locker full of carbs.
Anyway, yayyyyy Glee is back! I try to pretend I'm so above liking mainstream things like Glee, because I hate that now it's omgeveryonesfavorite thing, but I just can't help but like it. Because I am its target audience. And god damn if Kurt and Blaine and Brittany and Santana and Sue and pretty much everyone but Finn and Mr. Shue and sometimes Rachel make me want to scream with joy.
Anyway, I have reached a point of frustrated helplessness with my job. I've realized that it is what it is, nothing is going to change, and the clock is ticking on my tolerance for customer service. What's frustrating is I am SO GOOD at it. I really am. It's kind of embarrassing. But the thing is, my parents have the audacity to think that because I am good at it, I should consider doing this for a career. Not Mystic Stamp in particular, but customer service. Which, let me tell you, I would rather work as a cook at Canal View for the rest of my life, over working customer service. I realize the suggestion was not altogether audacious, but they do not seem to understand how miserable it makes me. It's like a slow build to genuine insanity and hopelessness. And I do not like it.
There is a job opening for a copywriter, which is intriguing to me. However, I'm technically not allowed to transfer to another dept until I have been there for 6 months, which is April-ish. But this job has been posted for several months now, and I figure it can't hurt to at least put my name in. I think maybe my recent consideration of this prospect has added to my loathing and disinterest in my current position.
Anyway, who cares.
In other news, Meggo! Broken ribs! So awful! Please get better immediately.
By the way, I am saving this post so I can read it as a tearful voiceover for my introductory segment on the Biggest Loser, while I sit in front of what looks like a gym locker full of carbs.
Anyway, yayyyyy Glee is back! I try to pretend I'm so above liking mainstream things like Glee, because I hate that now it's omgeveryonesfavorite thing, but I just can't help but like it. Because I am its target audience. And god damn if Kurt and Blaine and Brittany and Santana and Sue and pretty much everyone but Finn and Mr. Shue and sometimes Rachel make me want to scream with joy.
Anyway, I have reached a point of frustrated helplessness with my job. I've realized that it is what it is, nothing is going to change, and the clock is ticking on my tolerance for customer service. What's frustrating is I am SO GOOD at it. I really am. It's kind of embarrassing. But the thing is, my parents have the audacity to think that because I am good at it, I should consider doing this for a career. Not Mystic Stamp in particular, but customer service. Which, let me tell you, I would rather work as a cook at Canal View for the rest of my life, over working customer service. I realize the suggestion was not altogether audacious, but they do not seem to understand how miserable it makes me. It's like a slow build to genuine insanity and hopelessness. And I do not like it.
There is a job opening for a copywriter, which is intriguing to me. However, I'm technically not allowed to transfer to another dept until I have been there for 6 months, which is April-ish. But this job has been posted for several months now, and I figure it can't hurt to at least put my name in. I think maybe my recent consideration of this prospect has added to my loathing and disinterest in my current position.
Anyway, who cares.
In other news, Meggo! Broken ribs! So awful! Please get better immediately.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Just Kids
There was no one present save his nurse and she left us to ourselves, I stood by his bed and took his hand. We stayed like that for a long time, not saying anything. Suddenly he looked up and said, "Patti, did art get us?"
I looked away, not really wanting to think about it. "I don't know, Robert, I don't know."
Perhaps it did, but no one could regret that. Only a fool would regret being had by art; or a saint.
-- Patti Smith "Just Kids"
This book just wrecked me. To read about the life Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe had, how they lived, the people they knew and met and the things they did, all for the sake of and love of art.
It's a life I've fantasized about living, but one that I not only would not have the cajones to actually attempt, but one that I think is just not possible in this day in age. Sad.
Everyone should experience a friendship/relationship in their lives that receives the kind of loving tribute that Patti wrote about her and Robert. It was absolutely beautiful.
I looked away, not really wanting to think about it. "I don't know, Robert, I don't know."
Perhaps it did, but no one could regret that. Only a fool would regret being had by art; or a saint.
-- Patti Smith "Just Kids"
This book just wrecked me. To read about the life Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe had, how they lived, the people they knew and met and the things they did, all for the sake of and love of art.
It's a life I've fantasized about living, but one that I not only would not have the cajones to actually attempt, but one that I think is just not possible in this day in age. Sad.
Everyone should experience a friendship/relationship in their lives that receives the kind of loving tribute that Patti wrote about her and Robert. It was absolutely beautiful.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The new digs
A few pictures of the newly painted room, for your enjoyment/indifference:

It's not much, but it's mine. Literally, the only space I have that is my own. And by my own, I mean I am kicked out of it every time we have guests. Because the "guest room" is apparently not nice enough for them. Sigh.
In other news, the gyno put me on bc today, so I can finally have that promiscuous sex life I've always wanted.
It's not much, but it's mine. Literally, the only space I have that is my own. And by my own, I mean I am kicked out of it every time we have guests. Because the "guest room" is apparently not nice enough for them. Sigh.
In other news, the gyno put me on bc today, so I can finally have that promiscuous sex life I've always wanted.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Fiery Rage
Ohhhhhhh my God I am so cranky and miserable today. It's one of those days where I have absolutely no reason to be cranky, but every little thing is pissing me off, and I am probably going to explode into a fiery rage and kill everyone and everything. I'm not even PMS-ing! There's just no reason for this.
And I have a gyno appt tomorrow, in Rome, mid-blizzard, and I am not sure getting my cooter poked is going to help my mood any. Well, at least not having a lady doctor poke it.
Blah, I don't even have the energy or commitment or lightheartedness to continue this. I am just updating so I don't get yelled at. However, there will be more updates coming soon. One soon, maybe later tonight or tomorrow, and another more lengthy one that I've been working on, which will probably only be of interest to Leah.
And I have a gyno appt tomorrow, in Rome, mid-blizzard, and I am not sure getting my cooter poked is going to help my mood any. Well, at least not having a lady doctor poke it.
Blah, I don't even have the energy or commitment or lightheartedness to continue this. I am just updating so I don't get yelled at. However, there will be more updates coming soon. One soon, maybe later tonight or tomorrow, and another more lengthy one that I've been working on, which will probably only be of interest to Leah.
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