Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cast of Characters

These are the people you will hear about in this blog. These are the most important people in my life, the possibly in the world. Let's go.

Amanda: Rock star in her own right. She and I decided to start blogging again after a meaningful conversation about our teenage livejournals. She is loud and spunky, and is secretly a crazy hippie and/or burnt out lounge singer trapped in Elle Woods' body.

Jenna: The nicest person you will ever meet. Also a drunk philosopher and poet, a la Sylvia Plath, when she is intoxicated. Or just feeling silly. Or just being Jenna. Will one day write a tell-all of scandalous childhood stories, entitled "The Indian in the Vagina".

Chris: The coolest person you will ever meet. Total spazz. Would rather be living in the 70s, flailing about at some outdoor rock concert, or smoking weed in the streets of Holland. Does a mean heatwave. Has a simply precious boyfriend named Shane who is, in so many ways his complete opposite, but in many other ways his clone.

Jhole: Best friend since sixth grade. Moved in together after going to different colleges. Token Asian friend. Obsessed with Sleeping Beauty, Hello Kitty, and Ryan Gosling. Loves dino nuggets just as much as I do. The only person I know who is just as silly and random and childish and indecisive as I am.

Cuppy: Other roommate. Jhole's friend from college. Not one of my besties, but relevent to this character list. Thinks I'm awesome. Is the dude of the apartment. Not actually a dude.

Other names you will hear thrown around: Jeff, Brad, Courtney, Futter, Anthony, Kaylee, Matt, Pete, Mike, and other randoms I can't think of right now. All are awesome. I only associate with awesome people.

Oh, and Mom, Dad, sister Gretchen, black-sheep brother PJ, his soul-sucking wife Michelle, and their adorable kids Jenna and Joshua.

Study this, there will be a test later.

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