Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I love this.

This week is being ridiculously crazy and going by very fast, not allowing me to accomplish the things I had hoped to, but there have been some highlights. Among them:

- hot date with Leah my love, to see OMGWTFBlackSwan. Crazy.

-In random celebrity news that probably only I care about, Jason Mraz is engaged. And it makes me happy. I just really like him. He's a starry-eyed hippie child, and his concerts have been some of the most amazing experiences of my life. I love the songs he sings, the words he writes, and the vision he creates. I never really saw him as the marrying type, I'm not sure why. But he just got engaged to Tristan Prettyman, who has the prettiest name ever, and he's so cute about it and it will undoubtedly lead to some of the most amazingly adorable wonderful love songs ever.

He wrote this, and it made me happy for him:

I love love. From a third-party perspective.


Old blog becomes new blog!

Changing the new blog over from tumblr to an old school, short-lived blogger page, because I am a huge narcissist and need comments and praise from my loyal(?)/demanding followers.

More on this after a short commercial break.